Photography | Videography | Studio/Event Space

Whether a photo, a video or an event, we are here to set you up for the win.
However your “win” looks like, be it a good photo for your own personal brand,
a product shot to draw the eye of potential customers, a corporate video to showcase your business or service, a pre-wedding shot or family portrait to celebrate & remember the cherished moments in life’s journey, or being a host of a party, a product launch or a simple family and friends get together; we at Pivotal Studios are privileged to partner you in this adventure to achieving your “win”.

of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.

we are pivotal studios.

“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up;
do you not perceive it?”

Isaiah 43:18+19

The innovation point is the pivotal moment when talented and motivated people seek the opportunity to act on their ideas and dreams.
— W. Arthur Porter
Pivoting is not the end of the disruption process, but the beginning of the next leg of your journey.
— Jay Samit
Don’t Quit. Pivot.
— JB Kellogg

and so we chose…

how we work.
“There's no magic in magic, 
it's all in the details."

― Walt Disney
“The pivotal moments in your life 
are always made up of smaller pieces, 
things that seemed insignificant at time, but in fact 
brought you to where you needed to be.” 

― Elizabeth Norris, Undone
“The details are not the details, 
they make the design."

― Charles Eames

we seek to understand
the major
to then focus on the

‘cos the devil’s in the details.

we believe intricacies make a delicacy.
from strategy to design to photo to video to our space
we will always seek to craft the finest for you.

“A Pivot is a change in strategy 
without a change in vision.” 

― Eric Ries
“if you want to achieve something, you are going to run into roadblocks, 
but you have to learn how to pivot 
and explore your options.” 

― Hannah Bronfman
“Pivoting isn't Plan B.
It's just part of the process.” 

― Jeff Goins

never say die 

. strategic . creative . tenacious .

pivot . pivot .PIVOT!
we believe in the many ways
to ‘skin a cat’,

though we hate the cockroach,
we do embrace it’s ‘never say die’ attitude.

There’s nothing too difficult,
we believe all things are possible.
So no matter how tricky
the brand or the brief is,
we will try, try , and try,
pivot, try again, pivot, and try,
till we see success.

no cats were harmed in the course of our work.